This page details a range of current projects being delivered by the St Albans Sport & Health Team and their partners. The focus on all of these is to provide affordable opportunities for all local people, regardless of age, location or ability, to participate in sport or physical activities, helping them to lead a more active, healthy lifestyle. The details provided here give just a snapshot of what each project is doing. For more information, email contacts for the relevant project leads are provided.

These are FREE to access 2 hour play sessions for children aged 3-12yrs that run during the Easter and Summer Holidays in 15 parks across the district. Sessions are led by qualified and enthusiastic Play Leaders and provide children with opportunities to play sport and games with others.
Play in the Parks

Special Olympics St Albans provides Olympic sports, leisure and community opportunities to those with a Learning Disability aged 8yrs+. A number of sessions run weekly including swimming, athletics and equestrian and athletes attend events and competitions throughout the year.
Special Olympics St Albans

The ReFit programme provides exercise classes for those aged 50yrs+ within their own local community. A range of affordable sessions are offered across the district, including seated classes, circuits and dance sessions and most include a tea and biscuit break during or after the session too!